Happy Birthday Carolyn!
When I first started working at Somerville Primary Care our clinic was separated into an A and B side and also had an upstairs (which means I barely saw anyone except my patients). But when we moved...
View ArticleWelcome Emma!
Another beautiful baby has joined us! Emma Yejin was born on June 4th to my beautiful friend Beth and her husband Sam. Emma has an adorable older sister Anna. I am so thankful I finished this quilt...
View ArticleBienvenidos Andrew!
Sarah and Francisco had a baby boy on March 8th! Andrew is adorable. I can’t wait to meet him in person. He is an absolute cutie! When Jake and I were out in Los Angeles for my job interview we went to...
View ArticleGracias.
My life has felt a bit overwhelming and stressful lately, so I decided it was time to take a step back and think about some of the wonderful things in my life. And most of those are people. I have been...
View ArticleOne of These Isn’t Like the Others…
When I used to live in Boston (Wow, I can’t believe I can say that!), I used to go to Laura’s Sewing School on Monday nights for sewing class. It really was so much more than class. I loved the other...
View ArticleThe Important Stuff
I follow a lot of different blogs. Mostly fellow quilters. Normally I’m really excited to read all the new blog posts every day but for the past month I have not been reading them. It just felt like...
View Article“home” in New Orleans
This weekend is exactly what I needed. I felt like I walked around with a smile from ear to ear for the past two days. I am in New Orleans for the annual ACP Conference of Internal Medicine. I’m not...
View ArticleA baby quilt for Anika
I feel like I am always saying, “Marit is my most beautiful friend.” (My husband is cringing as he reads that sentance because of my poor grammar. I like to say things that don’t make sense like: “most...
View ArticleMasquerade Ball
Last weekend we were invited to a masquerade ball. We thought about buying masks at a party store but then we thought it would be fun to make our own. We googled masquerade masks online and then...
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