When I first started working at Somerville Primary Care our clinic was separated into an A and B side and also had an upstairs (which means I barely saw anyone except my patients). But when we moved into our new clinic site I asked to have my office by the medical assistant station and was the next office over from Carolyn. Lucky for me! Over the past year we have become great friends and it’s so wonderful to have a friend at work. Even if some days it’s only standing in line to get our lunch.
In January we had several snowstorms. Pretty much every week, on Tuesday or Wednesday, we got dumped on (several feet each time!). Here we are trying to brave the mountains of snow to get to clinic. Fun, huh?
We had a couple of gorgeous days this past spring and we took advantage of them to grab food in downtown Boston. We went to this cute place twice (If it’s good, don’t mess with success!). Carolyn’s daughter, Sarah, came with us and it was a great excuse for me to order a hot dog so I could share a few pieces with her. She’s adorable- and so well behaved!
I was super lucky that Carolyn was able to come to California for our wedding and be my personal attendant. She was stunning- and it’s always nice to have another tall girl nearby (and Carolyn isn’t afraid to sport high heels!). Thanks again!
Carolyn just had a birthday. It was the hottest day of the summer so far in Boston. We took Sarah to a kiddie pool but strangely they had drained out the water. They still had water spraying down from above so we walked around in that. We finished the afternoon with a trip to Petsmart to look at the kitties and fish and then to McDonalds for ice cream. So much fun!
For Carolyn’s birthday I made her a little coin purse. I downloaded the pattern from Pink Chalk Fabrics and thought it turned out great. I had to remake the lining (smaller) because it was bunchy at first. I’m wondering if it would make sense to just make all linings for pouches smaller from the beginning- since they all seem too big (and by all, I’m referring to the TWO pouches I have made so far). Take a peek (sorry for the blurry shots):
Love you Carolyn! I will miss seeing you every day! (A little secret if you get to the bottom of this post: We’re moving to LA in October).